Building a healthcare team is essential for maintaining your well-being. Knowing who to trust can be challenging and developing relationships with providers can take time.
We have done the work for you.
Our decades of experience and interaction with the local community have provided us with the ability to build a team of professionals who have your best interest at heart.
Our referral list is comprised of physicians and partners who have a track record of providing exceptional care.
Post-Concussion Problems, Headaches, Eye Problems, and Learning Disabilities
Pediatric and Adult Vision Therapy – This is a fantastic facility, referred to us by a patient who had great success here. I personally have witnessed the benefit of their services within my own family.
Anyone who has had a concussion, eye problems, headaches, or learning disabilities of any sort should have an evaluation. I recommend every patient who has had a concussion, especially young athletes, should be tested.
Diagnostic Imaging (Xray, MRI, CT, Ultrasound)
West Hills Imaging Center – Our trusted source for convenient imaging services. We can view your images electronically, immediately following your appointment.
Their high-bore, open MRI produces great-quality images and is more comfortable for patients who are sensitive to small spaces.
Dr. Joseph C. Maroon – A fantastic neurosurgeon out of UPMC. An amazing man with a long history of success. I had the pleasure of meeting this inspiring man and was given the opportunity to observe him working in the operating room at Presbyterian University Hospital in 2017. He has an amazing team and I regularly refer patients to his office for evaluations and surgery if needed.
Dr. David R. Oliver-Smith – One of our most trusted neurosurgeons! I have been referring to this man for many years. In over 20 years of referrals, he has always provided excellent care to my patients. The idea of spine surgery can be terrifying, but Dr. Oliver-Smith’s bedside manner makes patients feel comfortable and confident in his abilities. He is conservative with his recommendations and will only do surgery if absolutely necessary.
South Hills Orthopedics – There are several great doctors here. I typically refer to Dr. Fluhme for shoulder issues and Dr. Combs for evaluations of the feet.
Greater Pittsburgh Orthopedic Associates (GPOA) – If you need an orthopedic clinic that is closer to our office, there are a lot of great doctors to choose from in this practice.
Specialty Testing
Three Rivers Thermography – Certified by the FDA in 1985, thermography is accepted as a safe, non-invasive investigational and diagnostic tool that can help identify the earliest signs of breast abnormalities and cardiovascular disease before they have done their damage.
Thermal Imaging is an important, non-invasive tool for being proactive in your health. In my opinion, routine thermal imaging can be vital in reducing the need for more invasive testing.